Gamut Resolutions Blog

The Gamut Resolutions 120 Round Rifle Workout

The Gamut Resolutions 120 Round Rifle Ready-up Workout

Ever since I released the pistol target and blog, I have been getting asked “when will you release a rifle target/blog”.  Well…here it is!  The rifle workout is exactly like the pistol workout as far as going to the range with a plan.  You MUST go to the range with a plan or you will not get better.  This target and blog will absolutely make you a better shooter by working on accuracy and speed.  To win a gunfight, you must be more accurate and faster than the other guy…it is as simple as that.


Below is one of the range workouts I use with a total round count of 120 rounds.  Shooting distance is 10 yards. Once you can shoot it clean, move back to 12 yards and then 15 yards.


Drill #1 – Immediate Action (30 rounds total)

Description:  Load your magazine with 10 dummy rounds.  Squeeze the trigger, click, slap the magazine, rack the charging handle to eject the bad round (dummy round), get the red dot back on target, and squeeze the trigger again.  Do this 10 times, until your magazine is empty.  I suggest doing 3 x 10 round magazines of this drill for a total of 30.


For the rest of the drills start with the rifle from low ready.  I recommend loading your magazines with only 10 rounds – this will give you the opportunity to think between magazines and make needed adjustments to your groups.


Drill #2 – Top Left Dot (20 rounds total)

From the low ready position – bring your gun up and drive it to the target as quickly as possible. Take 1 slow aim fire shot.  Make sure to re-acquire your target after the shot and be ready to take a second shot if needed. After taking each shot, the safety should be switched on before lowering the rifle.  The goal of this drill is accuracy. All 20 rounds should be in the 3-inch circle. 

Drill #3 – Top Center Dot (20 rounds total)

This is the exact same drill as Drill #2 – but you will be using your off hand.  Trust me, you absolutely must be able to shoot off both shoulders equally to be a well-rounded shooter.  More often than you would like to think, it is necessary to take critical shots with your off shoulder, so get good at it!

Drill #4 – Top Right Dot (20 rounds total)

From the low ready – bring your gun up and drive it to the target as quickly as possible. Speed it up, take faster shots than the previous drill. I really want you to GET AFTER the speed. These should all be done sub 1 second with no misses. Start out at 10 yards. When you are consistently making shots from 10 yards, move back to 12 and then 15 yards.  Accuracy and speed wins gun fights.  Use a shot timer on this, it will make you faster.


Drill #5 – Bottom Right Dot (20 rounds total)

From the low ready – bring your gun up and drive it to the target as quickly as possible. Take a slow aim fire shot, put the rifle on safe and transition to the opposite shoulder then take another slow aim fire shot.  Starting on the opposite side this time, lower the rifle and do a ready up from that shoulder, take a shot then transition to the opposite shoulder and take a second shot. My recommended way of doing this shoulder transition is moving your back hand forward to the mag well and bringing your opposite hand to the pistol grip.  DO NOT EVER grab the pistol grip with both hands because this is where accidental discharges happen.  There will be 10 transitions for a total of 20 rounds.  MAKE SURE to put the rifle on safe before transitioning. 


Drill #6 – Bottom Center Dot (20 rounds total)

From the low ready – bring your gun up and drive it to the target as quickly as possible. Take a slow aim fire shot and do a magazine reload.  You absolutely MUST put your rifle of safe when doing a mag change.  You can do either a combat or tactical reload in these drills.  If you have the strength, keep the rifle up and do not tuck it under your arm pit. Tucking the rifle takes time.  Watch the video below for exact details on how to do a good mag change.



Drill #7 – Bottom Left Dot (20 rounds total)

This is combining drills 2 and 3.  From the low ready position, drive the rifle up to target and take a slow aim fire shot.  Do 10 rounds from each side.  Remember before leaving the range always focus on accuracy with slow aim fire.  You MUST hit all 20 rounds in this drill.


Here are a few things you should remember and do at the range while shooting:

Pro tip #1 – Remember hold over during the entire session.  You need to be holding your rifle about 2-3 inches above the target for every shot depending on where you are zeroed and the distance you are shooting. 

Pro tip #2 – Make sure to flip the safety on and off for every shot.  The more you do this, the faster it will become muscle memory and will ‘just happen’.

Pro Tip #3 – Make sure to reacquire your target after every shot – for 1 shot = 2 sight pictures, 2 shots = 3 sight pictures. 

Let me know what you think about the rifle workout!


Download the target – here

The Gamut Resolutions 100 Round Pistol Workout


The Gamut Resolutions 100 Round Pistol Workout

Coming from a tier 1 unit I never had to worry about getting ammo or range time. One thing I quickly realized once I retired is, wow…ammo is expensive and it’s not easy to get a lot of range time.  Based on that fact, I wanted to give you folks a 100 round pistol workout.  It is easy, cheap, and doesn’t take long. You can absolutely improve your skills by only shooting 100 rounds, as long as you are training the right way.  You need to go to the range every time with a plan, not just go to plink or have fun. Spend your time wisely and always give your training 110%.  If you do not go to the range with a plan, you can expect to stay at the same level of shooting until you start to put structure into your training.  Below is a range workout I use if I am only going to shoot 100 rounds.  Start the distance at 7 yards. Once you can do it from that distance keep moving it back.

Drill #1 – Immediate Action (30 rounds total)

Description:  Load your magazine with 10 dummy rounds.  Get on target and squeeze the trigger, click, slap the magazine, rack the pistol slide to eject the bad round (dummy round), get the sights back on target, and squeeze the trigger again.  Do this 10 times, until your magazine is empty.  I suggest doing 3 x 10 round magazines of this drill for a total of 30.

For the rest of the drills, draw from the holster if your range allows.  I recommend loading your magazines with only 10 rounds – this will give you the opportunity to think between magazines and make needed adjustments to your groups.

Drill #2 – Top Left 3 Inch Dot (20 rounds total)

From the holster – draw your pistol and drive it to the target as quickly as possible, then slow down and take 1 slow aim fire shot. Repeat 19 more times.  Make sure to re-acquire your target after each shot and be ready to take a second shot if needed.  The goal of this drill is to get all shots into the 3 inch circle.  Always take your time putting your pistol back in your holster, gunfights are not won by putting your gun in the holster quickly and this is where accidents happen!

Drill #3 – Top Right 3 Inch Dot (20 rounds total)

From the holster – draw your pistol and drive it to the target as quickly as possible, speed it up and try to make faster shots than the previous drill (use a shot timer).  It is absolutely acceptable to miss on these.  If you are missing more than 70%, slow it back down until you are getting good hits again.  Remember, once you have the accuracy down speed does save lives and this drill will help make you a faster shooter! 

Drill #4 – Center Square 2 controlled pairs, 2 controlled 3’s, and 2 controlled 5’s (20 rounds total)

From the holster – draw your pistol and drive it to the target as quickly as possible, take multiple shots.  The first set take two shots (do this twice), second set take three shots (do this twice for a total of 6 rounds), and for the last set take five shots (do this twice for a total of 10 rounds).  Believe me, one shot like in Hollywood…does not work!  You must be ready to take multiple shots until the threat is stopped.  Remember to get sight alignment/sight picture between every shot. Reacquire your target at the end of the last shot of every group.

Drill #5 – Bottom Left Dot (20 rounds total)

From your holster – draw your pistol, take one shot and do a magazine reload, back on target and take one more shot, then reacquire. Repeat 9 more times.  You can do this with either a speed or combat reload.   Watch the video below on why you only want one version of a reload.

This is a small section of the video and only shows magazine changes – you can purchase the entire Make Ready with Robert Keller: Proven Methods of the Pistol – here  

Drill #6 – Bottom Right Dot (last 20 rounds)

From the holster – repeat 20 slow aim fire shots just like you did on the top left dot.  You want to hit all of these in the 3 inch circle.  Always slow back down and focus on accuracy before you leave the range.


Here are a few pro-tips to think about before heading to the range:

Pro-tip #1 – The more holster draws you can get in one session is a huge benefit, which is why all of my drills come from the holster. 

Pro-tip #2 – If your range does not allow you to draw from the holster – start from the chest or low ready position. 

Pro-tip #3 – Make sure to reacquire your target after every shot – for 1 shot = 2 sight pictures, 2 shots = 3 sight pictures. 

Pro-tip #4 – The most common accident with pistols is re-holstering.  It is a MUST to look at your firearm and holster as you re-holster. It is NOT a race to get the gun back into the holster.

Let me know what you think about the pistol workout!

Download the target – here


The Bob Keller Signature Rifle – My personal Overview

In this blog, I wanted to talk about the specifics of the SOT “Bob Keller Signature Rifle” and the reasons why I chose each individual part on the rifle.

Over my career in special operations, I have shot many different brands of modern sporting rifles (AR15/M4s). I can’t even begin to list them all.  In my opinion, they are all virtually the same (except minor things).  So when I began to develop a signature rifle, I had a list of requirements, but the most important requirements I had was – it must be reliable, and it must stay on target.

When I talked to Special Ops Tactical (website I knew I found the rifle I wanted to put my name on. Here is the what and why.

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